When you don't have anything to show on the knitting front just post another scenery photo: That's Loch Etive yesterday on a very hot day and after walking 20 miles in that heat you did not want to stand down wind from me or sit beside me in a car.
Monday, June 20, 2005
A great time in Glen Lyon nearly made me forget the disaster that is my knitting I knew it was going to be too big before I started sewing it up. Don't know I then proceeded to weave in all the ends - make's it more challenging to unpick!
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Watched 2 good DVDs recently - Vera Drake and The Notebook. I've also been reading - I whizzed through "The Da Vinci Code" - thought I'd better read it to see what all the fuss is about and because it's always being mentioned in the local paper as I live about 7 miles from Rosslyn Chapel. I thought it was a good page-turner but I started getting bored around the 500 page mark. I then read two thirds of "The Republic of Love" by Carol Shields before giving up on it - I expected better from an author who's won so many prizes but I found this book rather trite. A much better book was "The Dive from Clausen's Pier" by Ann Packer. The main character is an avid sewer and she retreats into this hobby after her fiance's accident. I am now serously thinking of buying a sewing-machine - I've even gone so far as to price them on the interent. I see a new hobby coming up!
Saturday, June 11, 2005
I see some serious dieting ahead. A 20% increase in bodyweight in 2 years means that the big, fat belly can no longer be ignored. Here's a before photo: That's 6kg of sweetness that needs to get down to less than 4kg - I see tantrums ahead!
Thursday, June 09, 2005
It's all about the knitting: If only I could stop starting new projects I might finish something!!
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Run Bambi, run
A zoom-in of a zoomed photo. This is the closest I've managed to get to a herd before. One whiff of human scent from half-a-mile away and they are off but I managed to get my camera out in time - for a change