FRIDAY'S FAVOURITE FIVEI'm not very good at sticking to new year's resolutions - I find I stick better to them if I set them later on in the month or in February. Two of those resolutions are to do with the blog. The first is to post more than I did in 2006. As I only made 17 posts in 2006 this should be a cinch. The second resolution was to put more of my personality into the blog - the problem with that is that I'm quite a private person and even though I love reading about other people's daily life on their blogs I just can't write about mine in an interesting way so i always just stick to the knitting.
So, the only way I can think of putting some more of my personality into the blog is that every Friday I'll list five things that I like (let's see how long this last)!
- Cinnamon - love it in sweet breads, cakes, pastry, porridge, tea, with bananas in a sandwich and in sweets ( though I can only find cinnamon balls I love those Hot Tamale jelly sweets you get in the States)
- Vanilla - best flavour for ice cream, yoghurt, custard, coffee. I buy "So Good Soya Mik" because it's got a taste reminiscent of vanilla. Crabtree & Evelyn also sell a good body lotion that smells of vanilla.
- Tomato - best tinned soup is cream of tomato. If I make a casserole from scratch I always shove in a can of chopped tomatoes and tomato based past sauces are the only way to go.
- Lemon - definitely a taste I've acquired as I got older. It used to be strawberry but i find that too sickly now so when it comes to sweets I'll usually pick lemon flavoured ones - love lemon cheescake, lemon meringue pie, lemon & lime marmalade, lemon curd, lemon boiled sweets and lemon chicken is my favourite chinese dish.
- Pepper - actually this was a toss up between pepper and garlic - I seem to put them in everything but pepper wins out as I like the cracked black pepper crisps from M&S.
There you go that's five things you didn't know about me - what's your favourite five flavours?