I wish I could say that I'd spent the time doing more knitting and that I had a pile of FOs to show you but I don't. All I've completed is a tank:
The pattern is Tina a Berroco Web Exclusive. The yarn used was Debbie Bliss cotton silk aran. This yarn has got great stitch definition unfortunatley you don't get much yardage in a ball and this shell took ten balls. I would have been happier if it had been a couple of inches longer but I did not have enough yarn and as it was an ebay bargain there was no way that I could have got anymore from the same dyelot.
I've also started Balmoral from Dale Book 115. I did get up to the armhole decreases but then I realised my row gauge was waaaaay out so I had to rip back to just before the start of the increases in the waist- shaping. If you conider that the back and the ronts are knitted in piece you'll realise that was a might bit of knitting I ripped out.
During my blog hiatus I managed to get more reading done. The books I've finished are:
Seven Years in Tibet - Heinrich Harrer (very dry read but a good insight into the traditions and people of Tibet in the 1940s/50s)
Touching The Void - Joe Simpson (excellent)
A Patchwork Planet - Anne Tyler (good apart from the loose ends at the finish of the story)
Frost in My Moustache - Tim Moore (reminded me of Bill Bryson at his best)
I've also started reading Literary blogs my favourites being About Last Night and BookSlut.
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