This should really be titled why I may never have to buy yarn again.
The bottom right is my current rip-along that's being made into the Sleek Cabled Raglan. The bright red thing is a drop-shoulder huge thing that is very 1980's and hideous - I'm not sure what to do with it 'cos the colour is just so bright and red. Above that is an old blue aran of my dad's which is too big for me to wear. On the left at the bottom is the Kangaroo top which I ran out of yarn for on the sleeves - I've since found at the bottom of the cupboard an extra ball of this yarn so I'm either going to rip and knit another short sleeve top or I'll just re do the sleeves and the armhole shaping. Above that is the first item that I kniited after 15 years of not knitting. I couldn't remember how to do m1 - I was just knitting twice into the same stitch which means that's there are noticeable holes so I never wear it and it's also a bit on the tight side. Not shown is a brown zippy cropped jacket that sticks out at the bottom at the back which is also heading for the frog pond.
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