Most Worn Knit of 2004: Tricot
Honourable mention: Lara – I’ve worn this lots it’s so versatile. My only regret is that I knitted it with yarn recycled from an old sweater instead of the spanking new yarn that it deserves. I’ll be rectifying this if I ever finish the current 2 items on the needles.
Best Read of 2004: I’ve read some excellent books this year but to come top of the list it has to be more than a good story. The prose has to be as good as the storyline so that I’m enjoying the use of words as much as the story itself. This was a difficult decision so much so that 2 books came out top. They are:
“Touching The Void” by Joe Simpson. This is simply an awe-inspiring book. You’ve just got to read it.
“Fergus Lamont” by Robin Jenkins. You will dislike the main character but that does not stop you wanting to find out how his life turns out. Great use of Scottish prose. I nearly didn’t select this as a “Best Read of 2004” as I didn’t find the ending all that satisfactory but the more I thought of it the more I found the ending to be apt to the book. The book is the memoirs of Fergus Lamont written by an old man in ill-health so of course he’s bound to die before he dotted all the Is and crossed all the Ts and is going to leave unanswered questions.
The runner’s up (in no particular order) are:
“The Time Traveler’s Wife” by Audrey Niffenegger . This came highly-recommended by Ms Spikey so much so that she even bought me a copy so that I’d read it. I read it while I was on holiday in Chicago this summer so that added a new dimension to the book.
“The Perks of being A Wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky. This could have been the winner. A great little book but sadly let down by the ending.
Author Discovery of the Year : Robin Jenkins. I’ve read 5 novels by him this year and not one of them was a disappointment.
Best Film of 2004: I don’t go to the cinema so all the films I watch are on DVD. I enjoyed “Cold Mountain”, “I am Sam” and “Mystic River”. Also I was pleasantly surprised by “The Butterfly Effect”.
Best film of the year though goes to the documentary “Touching The Void”. It did justice to the book.
Music Discovery of 2004: I used to buy quite a lot of CDs but over the past couple of years music has become less important in my life. I much prefer to stick on a DVD and watch a film while knitting. One new singer I discovered this year was Jann Arden and that was thanks to the knitting blogs. Indigirl Amy linked to Jann Arden way back before the summer and I followed the link , listened to some samples, liked what I heard and bought 4 of her CDs – two of which I play constantly in the car. So, thank you Amy.